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  • Writer's pictureNyles Edwards

How to Stage Your Vacation Rental for Stunning Photos

How to Stage Your Vacation Rental for Stunning Photos


In today's digital age, stunning photos are your vacation rental's first impression. High-quality, appealing images can make your property stand out in a crowded market and attract more potential guests. Staging your vacation rental for photos is a crucial step in showcasing its full potential. In this blog post, we'll provide you with tips and tricks to help you create captivating photos that entice travelers to book your property.

1. Start with a Clean Slate:

Before you even think about staging, ensure that your vacation rental is sparkling clean. Cleanliness is a top priority for guests, and it will shine through in your photos.

2. Declutter and Simplify:

Remove unnecessary clutter and personal items from the frame. Simplify the space to make it appear more spacious and inviting.

3. Let in Natural Light:

Natural light can work wonders in photos. Open curtains and blinds to allow as much natural light as possible. Consider taking photos during the day when the lighting is best.

4. Highlight Key Features:

Identify your vacation rental's unique selling points and focus on highlighting them. Whether it's a stunning view, a cozy fireplace, or a luxurious bathtub, make sure these features take center stage in your photos.

5. Set the Dining Table:

If your rental has a dining area, set the table as if guests are about to enjoy a meal. This adds warmth and charm to the space.

6. Make Beds Neatly:

Ensure that beds are neatly made with clean and crisp linens. Fluff pillows and consider adding a decorative throw for a polished look.

7. Add Fresh Flowers or Plants:

Fresh flowers or indoor plants can add a touch of life and color to your photos. They create a welcoming atmosphere that appeals to potential guests.

8. Use Neutral Colors:

Neutral color palettes are universally appealing and make spaces look clean and inviting. Incorporate neutral tones in your décor and furnishings.

9. Focus on the Details:

Capture close-up shots of appealing details like a beautifully set breakfast tray, a book on a cozy reading nook, or a glass of wine by the fireplace. These shots create an emotional connection with guests.

10. Frame Outdoor Spaces:

If your property has outdoor areas, showcase them in your photos. Frame outdoor seating areas, balconies, or patios to demonstrate the potential for relaxation and enjoyment.

11. Shoot From Different Angles:

Experiment with various angles and perspectives to capture the full essence of each room. Use wide-angle shots to emphasize spaciousness.

12. Use High-Quality Equipment:

Invest in a good camera or hire a professional photographer to ensure your photos are of the highest quality. High-resolution images are more likely to catch a potential guest's eye.

13. Edit and Enhance:

Edit your photos to enhance colors, contrast, and clarity. However, avoid over-editing, as it can make the images look unnatural.

14. Tell a Story:

Arrange photos to tell a story of what a guest's experience at your rental could be. Start with exterior shots, move through the living spaces, and end with inviting bedroom and bathroom images.

15. Stay Consistent:

Maintain a consistent style and color scheme throughout your photos. This creates a cohesive and visually appealing listing.


Staging your vacation rental for stunning photos is a vital step in attracting potential guests and setting the stage for a successful booking. By following these tips and investing time and effort into your property's presentation, you can create an irresistible visual narrative that encourages travelers to choose your rental for their next getaway. Stunning photos can be the key to unlocking your vacation rental's full potential and achieving greater success in the competitive vacation rental market.

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